Have photos you've taken that you want to do more with than just hang on the fridge or let live on your computer for the rest of eternity? This workshop uses a hands-on approach to not just print your images, but turn them into works of art. We'll be experimenting with alternative photo processing techniques, including image transfers, solar printing, and playing with Polaroids. You'll get to take home four different photography projects created during this class!
We'll be using glue and paint in this workshop, so be ready to get your hands dirty!
Instructor: Rebecca Wnuk
Suggested age range: 13+
When & where: Mondays from 12:30-3:30 at The Democracy Center in Harvard Square (directions), Nov. 13 - Dec. 4. Please note The Democracy Center is not wheelchair accessible.
Class requirements: Students must own a camera (any type is fine), and students must email 5 photos to the instructor (Rebecca, rebeccawnuk at gmail dot com) that they'd like to get started with prior to the first class
Fee: $200 + $80 materials fee. Payment plans available. Fees waived for families with financial need. (Waivers and payment plan information.)
Photo credit: Rebecca Wnuk