"Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it."- Brecht
In this class we will touch on how art has been used as a form of radical resistance cross culturally. We will talk about the different messages radical art wishes to communicate, the audiences it communicates to, and the methods different artists use to create an identity or persona. We will then take those methods and attempt to apply them to our lives by creating replaceable images that communicate messages that are important to us. The class will teach wheat-pasting, pin making, sticker making, and some calligraphy, but most importantly you will build a consciousness around what radical art means to you and form your own opinions.
Instructor: Alana Parkinson
Suggested age range: 13+
When & where: Mondays at Spontaneous Celebrations in Jamaica Plain from 1:00-2:00, Feb. 25 - May 20, 2019. No class Apr. 15. Spontaneous Celebrations has off-street parking and is wheelchair-accessible. It is located at 45 Danforth Street near the Stony Brook T stop (directions).
Fee: Included in the cost of Arts Mondays if you enroll for the full-day program; otherwise $200. Payment plans available. Fees waived for families with financial need. (Waivers and payment plan information.)
Photo credit: Laura Fokkena