Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game that uses GPS and map data. Unlike traditional video games that lock you to your couch, Pokémon Go requires players to go out into the real world to compete. The more you move, the faster you progress.
Join us on Mondays at noon for a quick lunch followed by some serious Pokémon hunting through the streets of Harvard Square. Hang out with other teen homeschoolers, get some exercise, and level up.
Prior experience with the game is NOT required!
All will be explained on the first day. The game is easy to understand, and more experienced players can give you tips and tricks to progress quickly.
Pokémon Go Beginner's Guide: Catching, Battling and Everything You Need To Know
This group is limited to 15 participants. Priority will go to students who enroll in one of Rise Out's other Monday programs in Cambridge. Others will be wait-listed until the first week in September.
(Tip for parents writing your child's ed plan: You can include this under health or physical education.)
Suggested age range: 13+. The game itself is appropriate for all ages, but this is intended as a social group for teens. Please inquire if you are 12 or under.
When & where: Mondays from 12:00-1:00 in Harvard Square, Sept. 19-Nov. 28. Please meet on the front steps of The Democracy Center (directions).
Fee: Free + $5 registration fee. You will need to bring your own phone or tablet with a cellular data connection and GPS. Wi-fi only tablets will not work. We'll be starting with lunch, so if you don't eat before you arrive you should also bring a brown bag lunch or money to buy lunch in Harvard Square.
NOTE: Please let us know if you have physical disabilities that impact your mobility, so that the group can work to accommodate your needs. Parents should also be aware that there will be an adult facilitator present, but students are expected to exercise caution and common sense while playing the game. In other words, no walking into traffic while staring at your phone. (Yes, people have done this.)
Photo credit: Sam Abarbanel with Rakaya El-Kasaby