Waiver POLICY:
Rise Out is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that waives all fees for families who meet at least one of the following criteria:
Family qualifies for TANF
Family qualifies for SNAP (food stamps)
Family qualifies for WIC
Family lives in public housing
Student or a sibling qualifies for a full Pell Grant
Student is currently in foster care
Student is currently living in a group home or residential facility and is under age 21
Use the form on the Contact page to hold your child's place in a class, and send relevant photocopies before the first class session. All information will be kept confidential.
Note: The following circumstances are common to many homeschooling families, so in and of themselves do not qualify students for waivers:
Student comes from a one-income household.
Student has several siblings.
Student (or their siblings) are enrolled in many other activities.
Family has reduced income temporarily because one or both parents are in graduate school, on a fellowship, or traveling.
If you do not qualify for a waiver, you may request a payment plan.
Students may attend the first two hours of a 12-hour class and drop with a full refund. After that point, they owe the full class fee even if they drop the class later in the term and even if they are absent for several sessions. Please respect this. We understand that homeschoolers are juggling many activities and that sometimes scheduling conflicts arise midway through a term. But Rise Out sets its budget at the beginning of each semester, and with it our financial commitments to our partners and families. It is very disruptive when parents on a payment plan want to retroactively pro-rate their fees because their children have suddenly taken on other projects, mid-semester.
With that understanding, Rise Out offers payment plans to all families who request one. Please use the form on the Contact page to describe a payment schedule that works for you.